Graphic Design and Illustration
Jan has carried out graphic design and illustration commissions for Mediacoop (including on screen graphics), Banana Link, Garvald, Labour Behind the Label, CTDU, Camcorder Guerrilas, Barham Glen Architects, World Development Movement Scotland. For more information on commissioning graphic design contact Jan.
Design Teaching
Jan Nimmo has a wealth of experience of teaching textile design and running multidisciplinary design based workshops, ranging from Art School and Further Education level to working with primary and secondary schools and special needs groups. She has worked at Glasgow School of Art, Gray's School of Art and the Scottish College of Textiles (Now part of Herriot Watt University) in Galashiels.
Textile Design and Design Exhibitions
Between 1984 and 1992 Jan participted in various international design shows including: Interstoff, Frankfurt; Surtex, New York; Mostra de Tejidos, Barcelona; Glasgow Style, Berlin, Amsterdam and Glasgow; and the Contemporary Furniture Design Exhibition, Fabrex, the Individual Clothes Show and the Royal Society of Arts Textile Design Show, all in London.
Her textile designs have sold internationally in Europe, USA, Australia and Hong Kong; she has sold work to Jean Muir and clients include Courtaulds in London and Jones of New York. She has produced a range of fabric designs for Glasgow based design company, Graven Images. She has also produced fabrics for various interior commissions. Jan works on a commission basis for printed textiles so contact her for small exclusive runs of fabrics.